Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Salcedo II vs. Comelec, G.R. No. 135886, August 16, 1999 [Case Digest]


Salcedo II vs. Comelec,

G.R. No. 135886, August 16, 1999



            On February 18, 1968, Neptali P. Salcedo married Agnes Celiz, which marriage is evidenced by a certified true copy of the marriage contract issued by the Municipal Civil Registrar of Ajuy, Iloilo. Without his first marriage having been dissolved, Neptali P. Salcedo married private respondent Ermelita Cacao in a civil ceremony held on September 21, 1986. Two days later, on September 23, 1986, Ermelita Cacao contracted another marriage with a certain Jesus Aguirre, as shown by a marriage certificate filed with the Office of the Civil Registrar.

            Petitioner Victorino Salcedo II and private respondent Ermelita Cacao Salcedo both ran for the position of mayor of the municipality of Sara, Iloilo in the May 11, 1998 elections, both of them having filed their respective certificates of candidacy on March 27, 1998. However, on April 17, 1998, petitioner filed with the Comelec a petition seeking the cancellation of private respondent's certificate of candidacy on the ground that she had made a false representation therein by stating that her surname was "Salcedo." Petitioner contended that private respondent had no right to use said surname because she was not legally married to Neptali Salcedo. On May 13, 1998, private respondent was proclaimed as the duly elected mayor of Sara, Iloilo.

            In her answer, private respondent claimed that she had no information or knowledge at the time she married Neptali Salcedo that he was in fact already married; that, upon learning of his existing marriage, she encouraged her husband to take steps to annul his marriage with Agnes Celiz because the latter had abandoned their marital home since 1972 and has not been heard from since that time; that on February 16, 1998, Neptali Salcedo filed a petition for declaration of presumptive death before Branch 66 of the Regional Trial Court of Barotac Viejo, Iloilo, which was granted by the court in its April 8, 1998 decision; that Neptali Salcedo and Jesus Aguirre are one and the same person; and that since 1986 up to the present she has been using the surname "Salcedo" in all her personal, commercial and public transactions.

            Comelec's Second Division ruled, by a vote of 2 to 1, that since there is an existing valid marriage between Neptali Salcedo and Agnes Celiz, the subsequent marriage of the former with private respondent is null and void. Consequently, the use by private respondent of the surname "Salcedo" constitutes material misrepresentation and is a ground for the cancellation of her certificate of candidacy.

            Comelec en banc overturned its previous resolution, ruling that private respondent's certificate of candidacy did not contain any material misrepresentation.



            Whether the used of the surname “Salcedo” by Ermelita Cacao Salcedo constitute material misrepresentation.



            No; as stated in the law, in order to justify the cancellation of the certificate of candidacy under section 78, it is essential that the false representation mentioned therein pertain to a material matter for the sanction imposed by this provision would affect the substantive rights of a candidate - the right to run for the elective post for which he filed the certificate of candidacy. Although the law does not specify what would be considered as a "material representation," the Court has interpreted this phrase in a line of decisions applying section 78 of the Code.

            The Court has likened a proceeding under section 78 to a quo warranto proceeding under section 253 since they both deal with the qualifications of a candidate. In the case of Aznar vs. Commission on Elections, wherein a petition was filed asking the Comelec to disqualify private respondent Emilio Osmena on the ground that he does not possess the requisite Filipino citizenship, the Court said -

There are two instances where a petition questioning the qualifications of a registered candidate to run for the office for which his certificate of candidacy was filed can be raised under the Omnibus Election Code (B.P. Blg. 881), to wit:

                "(1) Before election, pursuant to Section 78 thereof which provides that:

`Section 78. Petition to deny due course or to cancel a certificate of candidacy. - A verified petition seeking to deny due course or to cancel a certificate of candidacy may be filed by any person exclusively on the ground that any material misrepresentation contained therein as required under Section 74 hereof is false. The petition may be filed at any time not later than twenty-five days from the time of the filing of the certificate of candidacy and shall be decided, after due notice and hearing, not later than fifteen days before the election.



"(2) After election, pursuant to Section 253 thereof, viz:

`Sec. 253. Petition for quo warranto. - Any voter contesting the election of any Member of the Batasang Pambansa[20], regional, provincial, or city officer on the ground of ineligibility or of disloyalty to the Republic of the Philippines shall file a sworn petition for quo warranto with the Commission within ten days after the proclamation of the results of the election."(emphasis supplied)The only difference between the two proceedings is that, under section 78, the qualifications for elective office are misrepresented in the certificate of candidacy and the proceedings must be initiated before the elections, whereas a petition for quo warranto under section 253 may be brought on the basis of two grounds - (1) ineligibility or (2) disloyalty to the Republic of the Philippines, and must be initiated within ten days after the proclamation of the election results. Under section 253, a candidate is ineligible if he is disqualified to be elected to office, and he is disqualified if he lacks any of the qualifications for elective office.

                Therefore, it may be concluded that the material misrepresentation contemplated by section 78 of the Code refer to qualifications for elective office. This conclusion is strengthened by the fact that the consequences imposed upon a candidate guilty of having made a false representation in his certificate of candidacy are grave - to prevent the candidate from running or, if elected, from serving, or to prosecute him for violation of the election laws. It could not have been the intention of the law to deprive a person of such a basic and substantive political right to be voted for a public office upon just any innocuous mistake.

                Petitioner has made no allegations concerning private respondent's qualifications to run for the office of mayor. Aside from his contention that she made a misrepresentation in the use of the surname "Salcedo," petitioner does not claim that private respondent lacks the requisite residency, age, citizenship or any other legal qualification necessary to run for a local elective office as provided for in the Local Government Code. Thus, petitioner has failed to discharge the burden of proving that the misrepresentation allegedly made by private respondent in her certificate of candidacy pertains to a material matter.

                Aside from the requirement of materiality, a false representation under section 78 must consist of a "deliberate attempt to mislead, misinform, or hide a fact which would otherwise render a candidate ineligible." In other words, it must be made with an intention to deceive the electorate as to one's qualifications for public office. The use of a surname, when not intended to mislead or deceive the public as to one's identity, is not within the scope of the provision.

                There is absolutely no showing that the inhabitants of Sara, Iloilo were deceived by the use of such surname by private respondent. Petitioner does not allege that the electorate did not know who they were voting for when they cast their ballots in favor of "Ermelita Cacao Salcedo" or that they were fooled into voting for someone else by the use of such name. It may safely be assumed that the electorate knew who private respondent was, not only by name, but also by face and may have even been personally acquainted with her since she has been residing in the municipality of Sara, Iloilo since at least 1986. Bolstering this assumption is the fact that she has been living with Neptali Salcedo, the mayor of Sara for three consecutive terms, since 1970 and the latter has held her out to the public as his wife.


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