Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Marjun Brignas' Math Reflection

          Quadratic Function? This is my most interesting topic that I’ve learned so far! Ma’am before I introduce my learning’s in Quadratic Function, first of all I would like to say THANK YOU Ma’am for teaching me and my classmate.  You are the teacher that has always had an attention for me and my classmate.  Always reminding what is good for us.  In the graph of a Quadratic Function y=ax2+bx+c is called parabola.

        In that parabola have opens upward or downward.  It has a turning point called vertex which is either the lowest point or the highest point of the graph.  When the value of a>0, the parabola is a open upward and has a minimum point and when the parabola in value of a<0 a="" all="" axis="" called="" can="" challenge="" cross="" depends="" divides="" domain="" downward.="" downward="" for="" function="" graph="" half.="" half="" has="" have="" i="" into="" is="" know="" line="" math="" maximum="" me.="" nbsp="" never.="" numbers.="" o:p="" of="" on="" once="" one="" open="" opens="" or="" other="" parabola="" parts="" point.="" quadratic="" range="" real="" reflection="" set="" such="" symmetry="" that="" the="" there="" twice="" two="" upward="" we="" whether="" which="" x-axis="">

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